For over 20 years I have been coaching clients to remember how to profoundly and sustainably heal themselves from any mental, emotional and physical pain - all so they can achieve more than they thought possible.
I’m also a nomadic entrepreneur, leadership coach & trainer, original thinker, world’s leading blame expert, author of ‘the blame game’ and co-founder of RoundTable Global and Beyond Bamboo.
After writing just about everyday for 10 years my book is now available on Audible as well as hardback and kindle.
It contains an introduction to my unique philosophy on life, leadership and self-healing that will have you rethinking what you have been told about human behaviour, relationships, self-awareness, and how we heal to achieve our definition of success and happiness.
My book is finished!
“Why didn’t we know about this when we were young, our lives would have been so different!”
You boldly claim to be ‘the only blame recovery coach in the world’. Tell us more about what this is and how you became the first one?
“This is a self-proclaimed title as I have not come across anyone that has unpacked blame in the way I have. Of course there are many people that talk about blame and the victim mindset, but they all have the same solution: life is about choice so choose to STOP blaming and DON’T be a victim in life, take responsibility and be accountable.
This advice sounds empowering because it makes us feel in control, but it unknowingly feeds the blame addiction we don’t know we have. The simple fact is, if this type of blame and control-based, stoic influenced approach had long-term results, then we would all be ‘choosing’ to do the perceived right thing and there would be no issues (or addictions) in the world.
Of course this is not the case, so a very different approach is needed…and it is this approach that my one-on-one and corporate clients have profoundly benefitted from.”
If you want to see dramatic and long-lasting change in any of these areas then it’s time to start your blame recovery journey
Fear (anxiety), depression, anger, shame, guilt and physical pain and illness are all symptoms of your blame addiction.
Exhaustion, stress and sub optimal performance in all areas of your life are directly related to how much you are playing the blame game.
Your confidence levels, and the amount of conflict and drama in your life is directly correlated with how much blame you have in your life. It fundamentally impacts how effectively you communicate and build relationships.
Our relationships with friends, family, partners and bosses are unknowingly built on a foundation of blame. And the common path that follows is: when we run out of energy to cope we experience conflict. We then ignore until the final symptom of our blame addiction occurs - separation.
“'I am connected to myself in a way that I haven’t been for some time - arguably since a newborn - and it feels so good. I feel lighter in body and a lot less physical shame. I feel I can move on and it feels empowering and exciting. The most transformative shift has been with my autistic son. In fact I am welling up as I write this. He is oozing love, he quite literally doesn’t know what to do with it - hugging strangers in the tube station, museum, his teachers, headmistress. He seems more secure in himself, less angry. My husband too is continuing to feel more grounded, calm and so strong and this has had a great impact on our relationship. Thank you.” - Henrietta Norton - Founder of Wild Nutrition
"This is the most impactful training I have ever had. I genuinely feel like I have been given a gift from Danone to be the best I can be."
“The difference Denis has made in my world and that of my team is amazing. I’ve had coaches before for personal and business and honestly there is no comparison. Life changing and I rave to anyone I meet who will listen. He holds no prisoners though and stubborn old me rebels against that sometimes, but I always get it eventually ;).” — Natasha Hatherall-Shawe - Founder and CEO TishTash PR Agency
"I’m blessed to meet many magical folks in the field . . . and every now and again, someone pops up with an undisputed X-Factor. Denis is one of those for me. You’d go a long way to find a more powerful and effective one-on-one self development session - HIGHLY recommended
"RoundTable Global facilitated an impactful 4 day leadership program for our cohort of future leaders to help them take responsibility, be authentic and create alignment to self and purpose..."
“I met Denis while he was hosting a training for our senior leadership team at SAP. He helped to entirely change my general mindset, my way of thinking and method to approach daily challenges. It has been a challenging journey for me, but as a result I’m a totally different person today.”
“In the time that I have spent with Denis the way I view so many things in life has changed for the better. My relationships with everyone I know are fantastic, my pain levels have gone from level 8 to 2 and even 0, and my business has grown at an almost uncontrollable pace.
I very much value the way Denis looks at the world and love the rare quality of his teachings. I have had the good fortune of meeting the best of the best across many professions and feel Denis is someone very unique and special. I have no doubt he can help anyone who wants to grow and make substantial improvements to their life.
— Adam Nobel - Property Entrepreneur
“Denis has a lot to answer for. From the first session that I ever had with him, my life has transformed.
A lifetime of fears that I had built barriers to protect, crumbled away to reveal the dreams that I always wanted to achieve.”
— Carly Wilford - DJ, Producer and Presenter
“I had a clinically diagnosed Frozen Shoulder and after 6 months into my physical rehabilitation I could barely move my arm without excruciating pain.
My doctor and physical therapist said it would take another 6-12 months to regain any normal pain free movement. Even to this day I don’t quite understand what Denis did, but in a very short while of just getting me to think in a different way, I regained full range of pain free movement. What’s more astonishing, it wasn’t a trick as I thought as the pain didn’t come back. Years later I am working out, playing tennis, golf and other sports regularly and my shoulder is still strong. Amazing!”
— Kieran - Entrepreneur