“Without giving away the big surprise in the book, a mini-twist is that the author does not actually blame blame itself.”

  • Changing Education

    “There will be statements that make you feel uncomfortable, deeply uncomfortable, and make you reconsider your 'side'. You might find you have to reread sections or the whole book, to gain a different understanding. Not of the content, of yourself…This book will profoundly impact how you live in your own head, your relationship with your body and the people around you…It's not a book of answers, it's a book to make you curious to open your ears, to be honest with yourself, really honest with yourself…In summary, this is a book designed to make our world lighter, reconnect ourselves to our own bodies and nature, return relationships to pure honesty and to gave us the option to escape the blame game.”

    Mel - 5 star review amazon.co.uk

  • New Murphy's Law

    Written by first time author Denis Murphy, an independent expert on the subject of blame, this book accomplishes a surprising twist within the reader. The book itself helps you self heal and reach new levels of growth as you hilariously recognize a blame addiction you never knew you had. Murphy identifies a blame cycle that is so obvious it is actually funny that self help gurus throughout the ages have not only missed it but lived it.

    The intent of the book is to help you heal with magical simplicity, on any time frame you like. Yet in the process the author debunks (in the nicest way) just about every self-help book ever written. Murphy even redefines the classic Murphy's law as he writes, "my message is a simple one—The New Murphy’s Law: anything you think has gone wrong is here to help you discover who you honestly are."

    G Glaser - 5 star revier amazon.com

  • Life Changing!

    The philosophy outlined in The Blame Game offers a uniquely fascinating and absolutely life changing perspective on life. It does require a truly open mind to try to comprehend but the realisations and results are truly worth it. It is unlike any other book in its genre (or any other genre for that matter) and offers the reader a completely different take on why we are the way we are. Recovery from our blame addiction is truly the key to freedom and will help you understand that everything and everyone is here to help you find out who you honestly are.

    N Ahmed - 5 star review amazon.ae

Totally transformational and enlightening!

An absolute game changer - brilliantly insightful and beautifully written. I enjoyed the examples throughout which helped me to apply the learning to my own life. A book full of unique philosophy that will change your life, helping you to heal and unlock potential. There is also a lovely light humorous side to the book which ignited my curiosity. I literally didn’t put The Blame Game down until I read the last page and now I’m going to start again.

“I have had the good fortune to do some healing sessions with Denis Murphy, author of this ground breaking book. I have so far read this book three times and learn something new each time.