Self-Healing - Optimal Performance - Nomad Adventuring
Living a paradox of taking life very seriously but not seriously at all
Interview with Carly Wilford for her wonderful initiative: aliveandstill.com
Carly Wilford: Sat in A&E at a ridiculous hour in the morning with a cold flannel on my face, I was distraught with a never ending tooth ache that had led me to tears throughout the night. I had got up not knowing what to do with myself and driven to the nearest hospital. After hours of waiting to be seen, I was armed with antibiotics and painkillers and sent home. Nothing touched it and it had been going on for days. I then remembered that this was what Denis specialised in. I messaged him and asked if he could help in any way. Hours later I had a session with him on the phone, working though what emotionally may have been going on in my life and what my body was trying to tell me. I slept. When I woke up, the pain was gone. No tablets, no dentist appointment, just working through what I was feeling and being totally honest with myself.
From that day, there have been many more sessions like this one. Whether it be something physically, emotionally or a challenge that I have come across during my career. Denis has helped many of my friends, guided my colleagues and now travels across the world speaking and writing about the people that he has helped along the way. If you’re open to being truly honest with yourself and where you are at in your life, then this feature offers you a unique chance for transformation. Over to you Den…